Just imagine you’re comparing 2 different brands of canned beverage at a supermarket…
Brand A’s cardboard box is packed with 24 cans, priced at $15.80.
Brand B’s cardboard box is packed with 36 cans, priced at $21.59.
It’s hard to find which one is cheaper. If their quantity is same, it’s easy to understand.
$15.80 vs. $14.40 (per 24 cans)
$23.70 vs. $21.59 (per 36 cans)
Well, why not try this one?
Take a look at the screenshots and make sure how it works.
Thank you for your attention.
・24本で 4392円の A社ドライ系ビールと、
・ 6本で 1350円の B社プレミアムビールでは、
量をそろえれば 価格の違いは直感的になります。
・4392円 対 5400円(24本ベース比較)
・1098円 対 1350円( 6本ベース比較)
スクリーンショットを ぜひ 見てみて下さい!